Everyone fell very silent. Tears stung the eyes of men and women alike in the sanctuary.
She had taken the request and His prompting very seriously. She said 'yes' to Him.
The pastor had announced a need for coats for the homeless. Most in the congregation took mental note, resolving to finally clean out that hallway closet.
Her heart, though, had been immediately prompted to give what she had.
Upon hearing the request, she stood from her seat, walked to the front of the church, removed the coat from her back, and laid it on the altar.
Pure, beautiful, and radical obedience.
Not long ago, she was in the position of need... in what she calls a prison without bars. Perhaps that is why her heart was so tender to Him in this moment. Regardless, she exemplified the purity of heart and obedience to which He calls us, a willingness to lay down everything upon the altar for His sake.
This sort of obedience has ripple effects. It touches every person who bears witness, spurring us on to be attentive to His voice and yielding to His Spirit.
If He calls you to pray, then pray diligently.
If He calls you to make meals, then make meals with joy.
If He calls you to sacrifice your time for others, then do so knowing He is worthy of the inconvenience.
If He calls you to give, then give knowing you are sowing eternal seeds.
If He calls you to remove the coat from your back and place it on the altar, then radically obey.
Our radical obedience, even in the simple things, opens the heavens and reveals the miraculous.
We have seen firsthand the power of people saying 'yes' to the Lord and the ripple effect of how one 'yes' can be used as the catalyst for others.

One, simple 'yes' has given us the pleasure of announcing very soon the renovations of our shelter house will be completed and the doors will be opened. Very soon, there will be a place for women here to find healing and wholeness in Him.
Just as we asked Him, it will be a place where women will be lavishly loved to restoration. The Hope House is a product of radical obedience.
Like our friend who laid her coat upon the altar, saying 'yes' to Him never returns void. In fact, it moves mountains and paves the way for all those who come after to see His glory just the same.